Hello, iam Amanda Mcguire, Don’t miss me too much.

Is Running Good For 70 Year Olds? [Solved]

No matter what your age is, running can be beneficial to your physical and mental health. Running is a great exercise to improve your cardiovascular system, and staying in good shape and moving your body is especially important as you grow older.22 Mar 2022

The BIG Problem with Running as You Get Older (NOT WHAT YOU THINK)

If you want to learn how to

Does Getting OLDER mean Running Slower? | How Does Age Affect Running Performance?

Getting older is a fact of life - the one thing we can rely on happening. But how does age affect our performance as runners?

70-Year-Old Runs 13.47 100m At Penn Relays!

Watch Penn Relays live & on demand here: https://flosports.link/3voTWqR