Hello, iam Jennifer Roy, Hope you’re having a great week!

Is Redgard Toxic To Breathe? [Solved]

Is Redgard Toxic? Redgard is toxic if you swallow it. Otherwise, it is toxic if you breathe in the fumes for a long time. To prevent problems with breathing in Redgard fumes, wear a mask and ventilate the area you are working in.18 Aug 2021

How RedGard Can Be Dangerous Due To Its Toxicity and Cancer Causing Properties: Why I Avoided It


REDGARD FAIL! What did we do WRONG??

I followed instructions, but somehow we must of missed a step because everything cracked and water would have poured right …

Couple Claims Neighbors Tried To Blow Up Their Children’s Swing Set

A couple claims their neighbors detonated an explosive under their kids’ swing set. But one of the accused neighbors denies …