Hello, iam Wanda Barrera, Peace out!

Is Razor Wire Illegal In The Uk? [Solved]

For both barbed and razor wire, UK law says that they are both legal to use on your own private property. However, it should adhere to certain safety protocols in terms of the height at which it is installed. There must also be suitable signage to warn those nearby that there is razor or barbed wire.13 Sept 2022

Cutting Through Hungary’s Razor Wire Fence: Breaking Borders

As Hungary cracked down on its border policies this week, those seeking refuge in Europe made one last push before their route …

Storming Spain’s Razor-Wire Fence: Europe Or Die

Since 2000, more than 27000 migrants and refugees have died attempting the perilous journey to Europe. With an unprecedented …

re:publica 2016 - Data or Razor Wire: What controls Migrant Bodies?

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