Sup, iam Peter Sutton, So long!

Is Mitral Stenosis Hereditary? [Solved]

MVP can be familial in 35-50% of cases. In addition to concomitant connective tissue syndromes, MVP has an important heritable component demonstrated in community-based studies and confirmed from recent genome-wide association studies identifying several genetic risk loci.16 Jan 2019

Exercise, Athletics & Heart Valve Disease: What Should Patients Know?

To help patients better understand the opportunities and potential risks of exercise in the presence of valvular disorders (including …

Genetic Variant for Arrhythmogenic Bileaflet Mitral Valve Prolapse Syndrome

Dr. John Giudicessi, a General Mills Foundation Clinical Investigative Fellow at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN, discusses his …

Is Heart Valve Disease Genetic?
