Hola, iam Mary Hand, Today’s going to be an amazing day for you. I can feel it!

Is Magenta More Pink Or Purple? [Solved]

In the color wheel, magenta is made from mixing red and blue, and sits halfway between purple and red. If the shade is mixed with more blue, it can be seen as closer to purple, however mixed with more red, it can be seen as closer to pink.11 Mar 2022

Magenta Is All In Your Head

The world is full of colors. Almost all of them can be described by a wavelength of visible light, but there are some colors out there …

Why Are My Prints Magenta or Pink?


Mixed Berries - Watch Me Paint an Acrylic Wandering Ring Pour

So many shades from so many manufacturers, Mixed Berries is my second commission piece. The assignment: to paint a 1x4 ft …