Hola, iam Todd Cumpston, Have a pleasant day.

Is Lump Coal Better Than Charcoal? [Solved]

All charcoal is made of the same thing: wood burned with little oxygen so that all that’s left is essentially carbon. But makers of lump charcoal claim it’s superior because of its purity — it contains no additives like regular briquettes or lighter fluid like instant-light ones.24 May 2013

Lump Charcoal VS. Charcoal Briquettes

Hey all, today we’re going to start a new series for folks new to the grill or pit and we’re starting with

Lump Charcoal VS. Charcoal Briquettes

In this video I explain the difference between

Lump Charcoal VS Charcoal Briquettes Which Burns Longer

Hi Everyone, Today we’re going to test the “conventional wisdom” of if