Hi, iam Matthew Andreozzi, Have a good day!

Is Jiu-Jitsu Addictive? [Solved]

While Jiu Jitsu may not be addictive in the traditional sense, it is a fun and rewarding sport that can easily make you crave more. Fortunately, there are very few negative side effects to a Jiu Jitsu addiction, as long as you are OK with occasional full-body aches, and an unconventional social life.15 Apr 2020

BP TV: The Addictive Nature of BJJ

We are all

Signs You’re Addicted to Brazilian Jiu Jitsu | LiveTheMachLife

About LiveTheMachLife: HI my name is Jean, I’m a

5 Ways Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Changed My Life

In this video I talk about what studying