Sup, iam Carol Duffey, Have a good day!
Is It Worth Using The Macho Brace? [Solved]
Please log in or register to add a comment. It depends really, if your Pokemon really relies on speed to win a battle, then I would say it’s not worth it. But a Macho Brace only lowers speed in a battle, so if your Pokemon has other ways to win a battle without speed, Go For It!26 Apr 2012
Explaining the use of Macho Brace | Pokémon Ruby
I’m giving away 5
Training EVs pokemon with pokerus + macho brace | My team pokemon Omega Ruby
Macho brace
Pokémon EVs and IVs Explained! - Pokémon Fact of The Day
It’s time to learn about the most complicated aspect of the Pokémon games! List of Pokémon by EV yield: …