Hola, iam Andrea Quinton, I hope all goes well today.

Is It Ok To Use Untreated Wood Outside? [Solved]

Chemical Protections. Even though natural weather-resistant wood is the best choice for outdoor exposure, at some point it becomes vulnerable to decay. The only way to properly use untreated wood of any type outside is with the addition of water-repellent preservatives, sealer or paint that contain UV protection.

Journey to the Temple: Treated vs. Untreated Wood

Hello Future Apprentices!! Welcome to Temple Builders Carpentry! If you’re enjoying the videos, don’t forget to like  …

Pressure Treated wood vs non treated wood used on a deck 2/2

Hey just a quick follow-up on the last video where we’re looking at the difference between treated

Treat Wood Yourself - How to Treat Wood Against Rot

If you hate pressure treated