Hi, iam Glenn Mosley, Hope you’re doing well!

Is It Ok To Take Painkillers For Period Pain Every Month? [Solved]

There is so much confusion around taking painkillers during the periods, but Dr Tanaya, a doctor, said that it is okay to take pills during menses. “It is totally okay to take painkillers if you get pain because of period cramps. Taking these painkillers will not make you infertile or harm your uterus.20 Aug 2022

Is it ok to take Painkillers during periods?-Dr.Preeti Doshi

Many ladies get considerable

Is it safe to take painkiller for backache occuring during menstrual cycle? - Dr. Teena S Thomas

Dysmenorrhoea during

Are painkillers safe during periods? | Dr Priti Challa | Hyderabad |
