Hola, iam Helene Shelly, I hope your day is as beautiful as your smile.

Is It Ok To Put Aluminum Foil On The Bottom Of The Oven? [Solved]

With any type of oven, putting foil at the bottom can be risky. The foil may not be able to withstand the high heat and can melt to the oven, damaging it permanently. The heat reflected off the foil can make your baked goods cook faster. The heat reflected off of the foil may also burn out the oven’s heating elements.11 Nov 2016

Using aluminum foil in the bottom of your oven / range. Is it okay?

Let Schaefer’s award winning service technicians fill you in on some of the most common questions they get on a daily basis …

Oven should never have aluminum foil in it

Do not

How I Cleaned Aluminum Foil Off the Bottom of My Oven

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