Hello, iam Debra Barnett, You have yourself a good one!

Is It Ok To Chew Gum With Braces? [Solved]

It’s really best to avoid chewing gum while you’re wearing braces. Any sticky substances, gum included, put them at risk. Gum may not pull your brackets off, but if it gets stuck, you could bend the wires that connect your brackets in the process of trying to untangle the mess.22 Jul 2017

Can I Chew Gum With My Braces?

Vancouver Orthodontist Dr. Jonathan Suzuki answers the common question about

Can I chew gum while wearing braces - Beecroft Orthodontics

There are many conflicting views on the Internet whether you can or cannot

FIRST TIME CHEWING GUM WITH BRACES??// Braces 2-3 week update!!

Hey guys this is my 3rd week having