Sup, iam Christopher Rice, No wild parties while I’m gone, mister!

Is It Normal To Throw Up On Period? [Solved]

Many girls throw up — or feel like they might throw up — just before or during their periods. Hormone changes are probably the cause, and these feelings usually go away in a day or two. Treating menstrual cramps (with over-the-counter pain relief medicines, heating pads, etc.) can help some girls get rid of the nausea.

Is it normal to have a period, nausea, vomiting, and breast tenderness while on Seasonique?

You mentioned that you’re taking Seasonique, which actually helps women have less

Is Nausea normal during periods? By Dr. Asha Dixit

Pregnancy may bring lots of different feelings. Listen to Dr Asha Dixit and clear your doubts. Feel free to ask a query.

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