Namaste, iam Joe Otto, Don’t miss me too much.

Is It Illegal To Have A Samurai Sword? [Solved]

Samurai Myth No. Owning a katana is illegal for the ordinary Japanese citizen. Fact: Ordinary citizens in Japan have the right to own Japanese-made blades that are registered with the Nihon Token Kai (Japanese Sword Association). These swords must exhibit historical or cultural significance.22 Jun 2022

A Must-watch Before Buying Katana or Training Iaido/Battodo

The katana, or Japanese

5 Things to NEVER do with Your Katana


Conan Takes A Samurai Sword To The Gut | CONAN on TBS

CONAN Highlight: When Steven Ho hooks up Conan to a blood tube for his latest stunt, the entire set gets transformed into a …