Hola, iam Winifred Duncanson, Today’s going to be an amazing day for you. I can feel it!

Is It Harder To Numb Top Or Bottom Teeth? [Solved]

The upper jaw is much more porous than the lower jaw. Therefore, simply placing the anesthetic under the gum next to an upper tooth will cause the tooth to numb. The lower jaw is much denser and if you put anesthetic next to a tooth it will not penetrate the jaw and reach the nerves of the tooth.31 Jul 2017

How to Prevent Buildup on Bottom Front Teeth

Often times as a

7 symptoms you should NEVER ignore

This content is created for informational/comedy/educational purposes only and not intended to substitute for chiropractic/medical …

Millions reported problems with dental implants

Arizona’s Family Investigates looked into the costly procedure of getting