Greetings, iam Jeff Parks, Don’t work too hard.

Is It Eco Friendly To Burn Cardboard? [Solved]

Burning cardboard is not an eco-friendly option because it can release harmful chemicals into the air, particularly if you are burning colored cardboard that contains more chemicals. Instead, you should recycle or compost your cardboard.30 Mar 2020

Turn Junk Mail into Bio Fuel Briquettes | Use in the fire pit, chiminea, camp fire | Eco friendly

Stop sending junk mail to landfill and make bio-fuel briquettes. Very easy and cheap to make. Ideal for the fire pit, chiminea or take …

How to use Cardboard to make Emergency Eco Heat Logs

How to make

Free And Virtually Unlimited Fuel To Heat Your Home

Every day we have tons of paper sent to us in the mail, boxes that our food is packaged in and in my case, lots of beer packaging.