Hola, iam Marian Watson, I hope all goes well today.

Is It Customary To Buy Lunch For Movers? [Solved]

While you don’t have to buy movers lunch, it’s considered proper etiquette to offer food to your hired workers if the move takes longer than 4-5 hours. Thus said, your movers can still turn down your kind offer simply because they have brought their own lunch knowing that they will be working a long shift.21 Sept 2021

Here, Living With Dead Bodies for Weeks—Or Years—Is Tradition | National Geographic

On the Indonesian island of Sulawesi, the Torajan people believe that a person is not truly dead until water buffalo have been …

OMG! Did the Queen just say that?! | Auditions | BGT 2019

Her Majesty, the Queen, joined us for the first audition of 2019 and she did NOT hold back! Watch as The Queen gives the Judges …

moving back to uni

move with me back to uni for third year :)