Hello, iam Billy Pugh, G’day, mate.

Is It Better To Split Dry Or Wet Wood? [Solved]

Although you can split wood while it’s still wet, it is best to let it dry first. The lower the moisture content of the wood, the easier it will be to split because it gives less resistance when it is dry. However, split wood will dry faster than whole logs. There is more to learn about splitting and storing firewood.7 Aug 2021

Firewood Moisture Test - Split vs. Non-Split

I was curious about rounds of

Firewood: Why I Won’t Buy A Splitter, Won’t Split My Wood, Or Use Kindling

Filmed 13 Aug 2018 Support Our Journey @ - https://www.gofundme.com/todayshomesteader Visit Us …

Splitting Wood is Fun: Here Are Some Tips

The material in this ebook is derived from a video series we filmed and made available to our supporters. If you are a Patron or …