Namaste, iam Thomas Labarre, Enjoy the rest of your day.

Is It Better To Learn Katakana Or Hiragana First? [Solved]

Always start with hiragana. It is the basic alphabet for japanese words, and will help you understand katakana, which is for western words, generally speaking. Without hiragana you won’t understand kanji. For example にほんご (Japanese language) is the four hiragana (and four sounds) that make up the kanji, 日本語.6 May 2012

What is Katakana for? and Kanji? - ひらがな&カタカナ&漢字

What is

You MUST learn Hiragana FIRST

So our friend is a little confused on where to start learning Japanese. He has been told he has to start learning Japanese by …

Difference between hiragana and katakana in Japanese language || Goal Japan 🇯🇵

What’s the difference between