Namaste, iam Samantha Kiger, Wishing you a productive day.

Is Iron With Protection 4 Better Than Diamond? [Solved]

The ONLY way that you could have iron armor thats better than diamond armor is if you got prot 4 iron armor. THATS THE ONLY WAY, still thats a gamble, because it could only do 76 percent while the diamond is guaranteed to do at least 80, no matter what enchantment you have on it.

Minecraft #6 - Diamond Armor Vs Enchanted Iron Armor - Which Is Better?

Even though there were a couple breaks in between me hitting the player with

Iron Armor Protection 4 vs Diamond Armor #Shorts

[Keywords] 1.Minecraft 2.Minecraft Bedrock 3.Minecraft Pocket Edition

Blast Protection 4 on All Armor in Minecraft vs Creeper (Netherite, Diamond, Gold, Iron, Chain)
