Sup, iam Stacey Wagner, Have a pleasant day.

Is Heart Of Azeroth Useless In Shadowlands? [Solved]

The Heart of Azeroth does not confer any of its unique Azerite-related bonuses while in the Shadowlands; it functions as a normal necklace, granting only its stats. However, its full functionality is still intact while outside of the Shadowlands.

Heart of Azeroth LEVEL 50… Now what?

ytF.Not-Battle for

My Post Shadowlands Wishlist

Note 1:It’s taken me some time to get this video done. I realize that many of my ideas stem from Warlords of Draenor content, it is …

WoW Dragonflight Lore for Noobs with Nobbel and Crendor (No Spoilers)

About WoWcrendor Professional nerd, mediocre comedian and expert non-content creator. Wowcrendor …