Greetings, iam Vickie Gimenez, Don’t miss me too much.

Is Guam A Good Place To Live? [Solved]

Whether you’re relocating for a job or seeking the tropical island lifestyle, Guam has plenty to offer. Pristine white beaches, vibrant coral reefs, plentiful retail shopping options, and a roster of indoor and outdoor entertainment options all make Guam an attractive place to live.6 Dec 2021

The Cost of Living in Guam | Ep 158

Season 8, Episode 12 (

What Can $10 Get in GUAM? (expensive island)

Have you ever heard of

Guam: Why America’s Most Isolated Territory Exists

Big thanks to Patreon supporters: Harry Hendel, KyQuan Phong, M, Dani Torres, James Hughes, Michael Javault, Pete, Ken Lee, …