Greetings, iam David Roche, Hope you’re doing good!

Is Gold The Softest Metal? [Solved]

Although it is very strong, gold is the most malleable of all metals. Pure gold is too soft to withstand the stresses of everyday wear, so it is combined with different alloys to give it strength and durability. These alloys include metals like silver, copper, nickel, and zinc.

Chomping through metal (Indium)

What I have here is a chunk of indium, and I think it’s pretty cool. It’s extremely

gold is the softest metal

sometimes i miss you then i remember that you’ve got golden handcuffs you can’t put your arms around me you’re not free but …

Potassium metal is like weird butter

I have this little tube from Russia, and it’s been sitting on my desk for overa month. However, I think it’s finally timeto open it. What’s …