Hello, iam James Huynh, I hope your day goes well.

Is Giftedness Inherited? [Solved]

Although a few believe giftedness can be achieved through nurturing, the overwhelming consensus is that giftedness is present at birth, an inherited trait. Chances are very high that one or both parents of a gifted child, as well as siblings, are also gifted.3 Nov 2017

Giftedness: The Product of Environmental and Genetic Influences

PSY001- Introduction in Psychology In this presentation we discussed the preparedness of parenting and the factor of

Is Epigenetic Inheritance Real?

Dig deeper: Szyf, Moshe. “Nongenetic

Jordan Peterson - The Curse of Creativity

original source: https://youtu.be/fjtBDa4aSGM?t=11m4s Psychology Professor Dr. Jordan B. Peterson talks about the downsides …