Namaste, iam Kristy Heikes, Today’s going to be an amazing day for you. I can feel it!

Is Flying Or Driving Better? [Solved]

Driving is, unsurprisingly, the greener way to go. Driving a fuel-efficient car generates far less greenhouse-gas emissions than flying. For the trip from Philadelphia to Boston, for example, driving would generate about 104 kg of carbon dioxide, while flying generates around 184 kg of CO2 per passenger.

Flying versus driving: Which is cheaper right now?

Here’s what to know if you’re looking to travel soon.

Road Trip VS Flying-What Is Better?

For this quick little video, I discuss the craziness that has been the past month or two with traveling and going to film events to help …

Relative Risk Assessment | Flying vs. Driving

On Feb 20th, 2021 United Airlines