Hello, iam Patricia Graybill, Promise me you’ll have a good time.

Is First Class Worth It On Delta? [Solved]

Is Delta First Class Worth It. Delta First Class is a pleasant experience. The seats are substantially nicer than Main Cabin, the service is good, and the complimentary food and beverage selection and quality is fine.7 Jun 2022

DELTA FIRST CLASS REVIEW | Is it worth the hefty price tag !?

DeltaAirlines #DeltaFirstClass #DeltaAirlineFirstClass

Is Delta DOMESTIC First Class worth the EXTRA $$$? Traveling to WASHINGTON DC (Travel Vlog)

Here’s to my second attempt to get my wife and I to WASHINGTON DC since our Memorial Weekend disaster. This time, we’re …

TRASH: Don’t Bother with Delta One Suites Shocking Experience

Don’t waste your money with