Greetings, iam James Garrett, I hope today is better than yesterday.

Is Filet O Fish Fried In Same Oil? [Solved]

Our Filet-o-Fish® patty is cooked separately from meat items in 100% vegetable oil. However, due to the design of the oil filtration system, during the oil filtering process, there is a small chance the oil used to cook our fish patties can come into contact with oil that has been used to cook chicken products.22 May 2018

This Is Why McDonald’s Filet-O-Fish Is So Delicious

To find out why people keep coming back for more, take a look at the reason why the

Can Muslims eat from McDonald’s, Subway & Grocery stores in Non Muslim countries? - Assim Al Hakeem

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McDonald’s filet o fish [review]

This game gets more and more cursed as