Hello, iam Harry Wightman, Take it easy.

Is Excalibur A Real Sword? [Solved]

For centuries the sword was assumed to be a fake. but research revealed last week has dated its metal to the twelfth century. Only the hilt, wooden grip and a few inches of the 3ft blade poke from the hill, which still draws pilgrims and tourists to the ruins of the chapel built around it.15 Sept 2001

The Sword Excalibur | The Truth Behind

About National Geographic: National Geographic is the world’s premium destination for science, exploration, and adventure.

The Proof Is Out There: EXCALIBUR FOUND UNDERWATER! (Season 2) | Exclusive

Archeologist, Ivana Pandžić, reveals the details of a mysterious

The Legendary ‘Sword in The Stone’ IS REAL & You Can Visit It
