Namaste, iam David Gentry, I hope your day goes well.

Is Epazote The Same As Cilantro? [Solved]

Cilantro When comparing their flavor, you’ll find that they both share a similar citrus undertone, but epazote is much more bitter. What is this? Finding fresh cilantro at grocery stores in the United States is much easier than sourcing epazote. Use in equal quantities as you’d use the original herb.18 Dec 2020

Never Use an Oven or Dehydrator to Dry Herbs Again With This Century Old Method

For centuries people have been hang drying herbs like rosemary, thyme, oregano, sage, and mint as well as many other herbs.

Epazote medicina y sabor(AGRICULTURA ORGÁNICA)

En este video te muestro como cultivamos

The 7 Best Epazote Substitutes

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