Sup, iam Lena Goodman, Don’t miss me too much.

Is Das Haus Smaller Than Shipment? [Solved]

Seeing this, many players hopped into the Ship Haus playlist to try and maximize their XP gains. More specifically, they wanted to level up their weapons by earning more kills since Shipment and Das Haus are smaller maps. However, players began noticing they weren’t leveling up their weapons any faster.24 Nov 2021

Das Haus Map Guide - Tips & Tricks, Sight Lines, Best Spots and More! (Vanguard Map Guide)


Shipment Map Guide - Tips & Tricks, Sight Lines, Best Spots and More! (Vanguard Map Guide)


Ye Chen Bab 4843-4845

Ye Chen Bab 4843-4845 Cerita ini di buat hanya untuk hiburan semata dan teman ngopi, semua hanya fiksi belaka, mohon maaf …