Greetings, iam Diane Green, Good luck today!

Is Crying Obsidian Wither Proof? [Solved]

Crying Obsidian is just a luminous version of the normal Obsidian, so there is not much difference between them. As the Wither can break the Obsidian, it is also capable of breaking the Crying Obsidian blocks. Wither’s techniques to break the crying Obsidian are similar to those used to destroy normal Obsidian.7 Apr 2021

What is CRYING OBSIDIAN? How to GET and USE it in Minecraft 1.16 (Nether Update)

I go through a list of the top

8 Secrets About the Wither You Didn’t Know! (Minecraft)

I go through a list of 8 things you may not know about the Minecraft

Netherite vs Obsidian; Which is Best?

Time to find out which of Minecraft’s durable blocks is the best! Today’s video is brought to you by Raycon Headphones.